"Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do." - Benjamin Spock
Today is the day to unpack this " elephant in the room " within the human psyche and place it firmly into the middle of the room for our conscious review.
It takes courage to face the elephant in the room and fully embrace it within its totality of reality. Often a reality which is been resisted by the ego whom is attempting to avoid painful situation and yet this resistance in fact can take up much of ones energies within thoughts and habits.
It takes bravery to acknowledge its presence as the " elephant in the room " represents that which has not been truly fully felt, owned and acknowledged within the self and thus within humanity as a collective. It is the elephant in the room that is running our life's in fear rather than unconditional love and acceptance " that this too shall pass " .
Distrust is not uncommon among us humans. So many are plagued with the lack of self trust which has lead to the obsessive seeking of this approval and self validation externally. Not so unlike love, the human psyche has placed many rules and conditions on what and whom is to be trusted and not trusted. This often gets established in childhood.
These rules and conditions also gets placed upon the self internally of what parts or aspects and expressions of self can be trusted and distrusted. Human sexuality is a good example of this. These external representations of distrust and trust are always reflections of what we carry within us via our beliefs and attitudes, values and intentions.
Facing the elephants within the human psyche and energy field is how each person can reclaim and transform what was once hidden in the shadows of the subconscious mind into the alchemical light of consciousness and then to create anew a new belief.
Within the light of ones conscious awareness, one can consciously choose again a new thought, frequency and possibility through the values of self compassion, self empowerment and self love.
That is the power within you " You are powerful beyond measure "
Yeshusa ( Jesus )

The first step to recovery is admitting the truth of what is arising and finding a medium to give that voice and expression into the light of your own awareness so that it becomes more conscious.
You may also choose to share and allow yourself to be witnessed by another like a trusted friend, a therapist or other.
I highly recommend writing the thoughts down in your journal to begin the process.
However the act of speaking out loud to another person whom you feel you can trust to hold your highest intentions of personal empowerment and healing can reveal what deep seated beliefs are running the show of your life.
In truth all that is required is to notice and become aware at what triggers you and get curious as to what is really going on and why you reacted so strongly. Behind every deeply emotional trigger is a belief and storyline that got created within a past moment of trauma and then got buried in the subconscious mind. This is something that meditation, mindfulness practices, journalling and yoga can support with.
Here in written form I am exposing some of my own hidden beliefs that were born of distrust within myself and others mostly when I was a child and influenced from other incarnations of my soul memories.
- I don't trust you to be of a open hearted, undefended and awakened within your own consciousness so much so that in the face of your deepest challenges to hold both our best interests at heart and not abandon me.
- I don't trust you to receive, perceive and translate my words with the energy and intention they were written and expressed with.
- I don't trust you to trust your heart so much that you can read between my words and translate the energy within your own bio-field of awareness and thus discern your own resonance that goes beyond appearances and yet connects all that is between us.
- I don't trust you to NOT filter what I share through that of your own insecurities, fears, unresolved traumas and distrust as a reflection of your inability to be vulnerable with your own sensitivities.
- I don't trust you to be committed to your own awakening journey and thus not get swayed by louder shinier voices and that of lesser truths than that of your own Masterful Divinity.
- I don't trust you to choose unconditional love over fear and harsh judgements when faced with what you don't yet fully understand and are familiar with.
- I don't trust you to have the embodied self worth and healthy self esteem to be open to and embrace your own Divinity without denials, shame or apology.
- I don't trust you to listen deeply within your own heart and trust your own inner guidance to navigate your way and not give up on yourself, others or this life.
- I don't trust you to speak and share openly what you truly mean and mean what you truly say.
- I don't trust you to hold my honour with respect in the face of when the crowd is provoked into choosing hate and revenge.
Through my inner child's voice ' I don't trust you ( the adults ) to stay open and loving towards me when I speak from my heart and be my true self so I cannot trust myself and my voice or expression, I must learn how to be different and more like others in order to fit in and get my needs met for acceptance, connection, safety and love '. ( and thus the people pleaser was born and the shame and anxieties connected to being my authentic expression. This is a perfect example of how we decide to leave listening to our hearts and gut feelings as children and start orientating to our life's from our heads and mental minds. For some this may not happen until entering school in order to fit into the requirements of that environment and not get shamed )
" I AM are two of the most powerful words, for what ever you place after them with becomes your experience ".
My inner child self definitely learnt that she could not trust herself as often she / I felt shut down when she spoke up and even punished and shamed.
As a sensitive child I was very aware of other peoples energies and when I spoke from my heart and what seemed obvious to my intuitive awareness in the moment, I often felt the adults around me pulled back their energy and closed their hearts more rather than opening up towards my expression.
I am not sure what I said exactly in those moments, I just know that it was not welcomed and most lightly I said something that made them feel uncomfortable as I spoke a truth that was been unspoken about.
On a very energetic and emotional level, I often felt this experience as a child as a coldness and shutting off instead of a warmth and kindness towards me. Over time I decided that I could not trust my heart and I had to figure out how to be more like other people to function better in my world to receive my needs to be met for connection and love however conditional.
What did your inner child decide when they experienced uncomfortable situations growing up that are still influencing your adult life today ?
I learnt to be a people pleaser and discount my own feelings and needs in order to survive these environmental situations as best as I could. I did all I could to make others feel better so that I could then feel better by feeling more accepted and valued and thus safe and connected with others within my environment.
To reclaim a deeper and healthier connection to ones true authentic self is the key to empowering your health and living the life style you truly desire.
Trust requires the understanding that ' I never did anything wrong ' , life is experience and everyone has a story.
" My heart forgives and releases, inner peace is my goal ".
*** For support with Transformative Inner Child Healing and releasing unhelpful beliefs and upgrading to your new preferred beliefs Book a QHHT with Mary Jo.
Trusting yourself is the key to your discernment.

Discernment is one of the most important attributes moving forward on planet earth.
How do you foster it if you do not trust yourself or others or life or God or the afterlife ?
You must go within and get to " know thy self " in greater truth beyond the conditioned mind and past memories, so as not to be caught in the traps of fools.
What would it look and feel like to TRUST YOU? What would it look and feel like to TRUST your own energies to be aligned with integrity where your words, thoughts and actions are all congruent ?
It is challenging to TRUST in a world where you had to learn to distrust your own heart to fit into the dynamic of family, culture, society and / or religion. Perhaps this was further embedded into your heart and psyche due to betrayal from someone whom you did belief and trust in; someone whom you loved and believed loved you.
Yet the deeper truth is I know that I cannot expect you to trust me when you don't trust your own TRUE self ~ truly.
I know I cannot expect you to trust me when I do not fully trust my own TRUE self and energies truly. True confidence is a reflection of self trust in order to trust in ones dreams and embody the worthiness to create and receive those dreams into ones reality.
Believe it or not TRUST is a choice. Just like forgiveness and to love is a choice or to withhold these is. Indeed there may be plenty of reasons to withhold due to past memories and yet in time to withhold trust, forgiveness and unconditional love becomes the greatest of burdens and toxic energies to carry around. Thus the call for healing beckons louder and louder in order to make life changes within ones beliefs, attitudes and behaviours.
Integrity is a level of honestly within oneself first and foremost. How can you be honest with another person when you are not even been honest with yourself ? !
Integrity requires a willing to " do the inner work" to face and embrace ones own light and darkness until a common ground can be discovered of the unity within all things.
Then and only then can inner and outer conflicts brought about by duality thinking be set down and that which held peace and harmony at bay be dissolved.
LIFE ~ is a inner to outer game ! ! ! AND recognising this is the GRAND AWAKENING & SELF REALISATION :-)
How dear human tribe can we truly trust another when we do not fully trust ONESELF ~ TRULY ?
Without a deep inner TRUST that transcend's beyond the physical body, chattering mind and egoic identity, how can one expect to align ones true values to that of integrity, honour and respect for all that is TRULY THE SELF and extend that to all that is ALL else ~ been reflected back to you ?
"Self-trust is the first secret of success." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

It must be this way, for how else would one awaken to the grandest self realisation of all which is 'it is ALL you' been reflected back to you ; what you have judged as the good / bad, ugly / beautiful, acceptable / unacceptable.
It is ones greatest confrontation and ones greatest liberation to be awakened to this greater inner truth.
Thus we each get what we believe we deserve.
We each get, receive and attract what we believe is possible.
Thus the wisdom that graced this planet over 2000 years ago to remind humanity
" As you believe it is given onto you " Yeshua ( Jesus )
and in more modern wisdom terms " I attract what I judge until I stop judging what I attract " Robert Edward Grand
The power is
I have come to the conclusion through my own introspections and reflections these weeks and months within my own life streams of creation, that again and again it all returns to SELF WORTH.
Worthiness to reclaim trust
Worthiness to open up to love again and be loved openly
Worthiness to receive wealth and abundance
Worthiness to receive ease, joy and grace
Worthiness to BE whom and what and how one truly is
Worthiness for that to be enough
Worthiness to be seen and heard and celebrated for your true self
Worthiness to relax and receive all ones needs met
Imagine living a life with nothing to prove to yourself or others, nothing to work hard at to deserve to have your needs met, nothing to earn in order to live well, nothing to disprove or avoid the experience of for fear of not having the resources and support to handle and navigate all of your life's circumstances as they present and as the feelings arise.
This magic gets translated through human perceptions.
Human perceptions gets moulded through human conditioning specifically between the ages 0-7 via thoughts, feelings, beliefs, habits and behaviour.
The human filters can become very distorted indeed and indeed it has been for what seems like 1000's of years. Thus " the sins of the fathers passed down ".
Yet here we are over these years and decades with the opportunity to clean up our human lens, resolve outdated patterns within our belief systems and take a new look at oneself and life.
Seeing through new eyes of perception shaped by new thoughts and possibilities aligned with a healthy sense of self worth and wealth of well-being in every facet of life. Imagine what that may be like ? Give thanks for connecting to these new thoughts, dreams, experiences and possibilities now !
How about if you knew you can create this in your own way, you can create a new story and timeline for your life and this will indeed ripple into your generational lines and the collective of humanity ? This is the true power within each and every human being.
We are living into fantastical times to BE ALIVE ~ TRULY ALIVE and TRULY DIVINE.
A time where " Consciousness is the new sexy, Your inner peace is the new success, Your kindness is the new beautiful ".
Written By : Mary Joji
Proudly reclaimed & proclaimed in 2022
Divine Love Ambassador
~ without apology or shame ! ! ! ( not bad for a once upon unworthy catholic girl and people pleaser afraid of her own light, voice and shine ;) )
Knowing what one is not in truth allows one to discover and know more truly what ONE truly IS ~ I AM THAT I AM

Needing some support with reclaiming your self trust, healthy self esteem and self confidence ? Ready to up-level your energies and consciousness to create the empowered aligned life, health and abundance you desire ? Curious to get to " know thy self " and heal ~ harmonise your energies on a deeper level ?
Book a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session with Mary Jo HERE . Discover more about what these QHHT session are HERE and how to prepare for your session HERE