Insights from Dolores Cannons Book on this topic.
Convoluted Universe II (copyrighted 2005).
pg. 238 "Just as we come into life with a plan, we also have a plan for our departure from this life. Everyone decides before entering how they will exit. This is said with all emotion removed and must be understood that way. None of this is known on the conscious level, and it is probably very wise that we don't remember these plans. People always say they don't want to die, they do not want to get sick, and they do not plan to leave their loved ones. They would strongly deny that they were planning their death. But it is all part of a plan much further beyond our knowledge and understanding. Therefore, the only way to look at it without limited human minds is logically with all emotions removed."
"There are various reasons why a spirit decides it is time to depart the physical. It has completed its goal, its plan and worked out all the karma that was necessary for this lifetime. In this case there is no need to continue. In other cases, it decides that other people will progress much faster if their presence was not acting as a liability. In these cases the spirit decides to forego its own further development so that others who are too dependent can go on their own. So they can "grow up", in other words. These reasons are often not apparent on the surface; and can be discovered only after much soul searching."
pg. 240 "Once the soul has decided it is time to leave the physical, it will arrange events so that it can die. An interesting point has been brought out through my regression material: that one of the problems today is the medical establishment. If the person is dying in a hospital, often the doctors try to keep them alive with all the wonderful equipment that is available. Also the family is reluctant for them to leave even though the physical body is so damaged it can no longer sustain them, and there is no point in remaining. So the quickest, easiest way with the least likelihood of interference, is to die in an accident or natural disaster, etc. Some of these methods of exiting life are called "freak accidents" and can be quite bizarre. I have always believed that if it is your time to go, it will happen even while you are sitting in your living room. There are cases reported of planes or cars crashing into a house and killing someone."