I have come to trust that all happens in Divine Timing or Divine readiness. When the moment comes things seems to happen fast and effortless like creating the website in a couple of days.
I am not sure why I still get surprised but I do at the speed at which things can be created when the moment is ripe or when I get into alignment with the moment...!
This website has gone up just under 2 months after I completed my QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy) Training with Dolores Cannon in Sydney. The training was just 5 long but quickly passing days. However I feel I have trained my entire life to facilitate these session with integrity, intuition, joy and honour.
So far I have been blessed with facilitating around 20 sessions at my Mountain View Massage & Yoga Wellness Retreat business. The first 10 sessions after I returned from my training in Sydney in DEC 2013, I offered for free as complimentary sessions on a first come first served basis, as instructed to do by my trainer Dolores Cannon.
I found these session's were invaluable training to gain my confidence, trust and adaptability with this technique. Out of those first 10 sessions, there was 2 people that did not go with the hypnosis due to the conscious mind needing to feel in control. On one occasion I found myself feeling under a time constraint and I quickly realised this would not work so I do my best now to leave either a full morning or afternoon per session.
I learnt a lot of great things from these 1st x 10 complimentary session. One of those things that clarified itself for me is that I perfer to work with clients whom really are choosing to have a session from there own freewill and to make that decision without any sense of obligation or just merely for a mild curiosity. There is nothing wrong with curiosity of course, this is important but I feel that there has to be more than just a passive curiosity. Those whom I have done sessions with, that were really excited and eager seem to be so open that the hypnosis happens so easy and with lots of grace, an overall sense of joy, immense value, miraculous healing, transformation and expansion for my client. It is very obvious they were here from there free will, the prompting of the heart and a openness with trust in the session and with myself as the facilitator. I sense one of the most important things that leads someone to have a session with me is a person feeling inspired and guided by there heart. There is definitely the trust element required in taking a session and I feel honoured to be recognised as trust worthy and a provide a safe, comfortable and relaxing environment to hold these session located in my home / business comfortable abode in Hanmer Springs, New Zealand.
I have come to understand and know that trust always begins within first. We can only trust someone when we trust ourselves first to be guided in the right direction and to the right person. As humans we have become well accustomed to allowing our minds negate the promptings of our heart intelligence. But thankfully now in this day and age our hearts are getting louder because its is imperative and each person is being called home into there hearts ans soul self to re-awakened to the expanded awareness, magnificence and impactfulness of the self to heal ones own life, to rebalance in illumination of divine love / light / abundance. We are re-awakening to our divine intelligence, divine love, divine light, divine oneness. For those whom resist this calling life is getting more and more difficult, stressful, imbalanced which can look like disease, loss of a home or job. A lot of the challenges we have all been facing is ultimately pointing us homeward bound into the inner divine light within our own hearts where we can once again remember and reconnect to the experience of our own inner spark of divinity, a spark which is truly connected to each other's spark of divinity. In essence we are awakening to the innate knowing experience that we are all inner-connected to each other in what is being termed 'THE FIELD OF ENERGY & INFORMATION' by scientist. We are re-membering our worthiness to truly know and accept ourselves as god's children in the image and likeness of god not man's limited version through a dualistic filter of perception. Thus 'YOU ARE GOD ALSO'. ..!
As the 'god' word can carry a lot of negative energy due to much mis-representations and interpretations through the limited perceptions of man over 1000's of years. Much of this confusion and limited understandings has been claimed through the name of religion, fear and judgement through the illusion of separation from god ~ divine self. So it may be wise if this words triggers a negative response in you to change it to a more preferred one like "Nature' 'Source' 'Great Spirit' 'Oneness' "The Field' or simple the 'ALL THAT IS' or 'ISNESS'. All these terms are pointing to the same eternalness of thee one creator, from which we have all been birthed from and yet each one of us contains the whole of this eternalness of life. ( bit of a head spin that last part...! Think hologram and each part containing the whole or just skip for now : ) That is why I believe that Jesus states "all the answer lay within you", "everything I can do, you can do and more". I believe that Jesus walked the earth to light the path of what is possibly for each human being. He was here to be a teacher through the power and emanation of GOD"S LOVE LIGHT which judged nothing and forgave all. He seeded this love light over 2000 years ago so that each of us can awaken to it now within our very own being. If there is a second coming as predicted then it is within each of us to awaken to the Christos consciousness / light / awareness / energy within. I understand that this is indeed what is happening for millions of people around the world.
QHHT is a way to support this reconnection to the highest expression of self, healing the body-mind, rebalancing the emotions and vibrations, completing old karmic patterns from other life times or this one by offering clarity and greater willingness for forgiveness through a expanded understanding. Qhht can support your alignment with your life purpose at this time and the real value of the self.
It has been my own joy to have my own personal experience of been in this SOURCE CREATOR LIGHT under hypnosis when I had my own 2nd QHHT experience. First there was tears for I so missed this feeling of absolute connectedness and then there was much laughter for the insanity of ever thinking I was not connected, I laughed and I laughed as in that moment the illusion of separation seems even silly to me. Yet this is what we have all been believing for so long on earth and this is what is changing as the truth of whom and what we really are is being revealed to us, while the veils of the illusion of separation, lack, limitation are dropping. QHHT is one way to help this along a bit faster and allow greater ease and grace with it all. I call it 'joining the dots of the puzzle pieces to reveal the bigger picture'.
Our ego personality can be highly stubborn and in its endearing efforts to protect us by holding on to the old ways of thinking, believing and acting to survive and trying to stay comfortable has been getting us (humanity) into more stress, worry, uncertainty as the old framework of perceived security is falling away. Hence it is so very important to be willing to do what ever it takes at this time to get more into an alignment with ones own heart intelligence, higher-self, soul-self, nature, source self or what ever you want to call this and there discover true divine: inner-security, inner-empowerment, inner stability, inner-guidance, inner limitless abundance and inner divine love for self and all of life.
I do not have any previous hypnotherapy training behind me, which actually seems to have been a major plus according to Dolores. This is mainly due to Dolores Method of hypnotherapy which is unique, she has learnt over the years what to leave out and what to leave in a session making it much more dynamic and juicy. She talks about other hypnotherapy techniques as very long and not required. What I love about these session is that after the client has gone into a past life or event, then I call upon the HIGHER or SOUL SELF, this level of the person then responds to what the lower level personality (my client) are wanting to get out of the session. This is the biggest difference as far as I can tell with this Technique. Dolores Cannon calls this state the Somnambulistic State of trance.
This seems to be what is unique to Dolores Method of hypnotherapy. She was not afraid to explore more deeply than the other methods due to her appetite and curiosity for greater knowledge and genuine desire to help people help themselves. Dolores just happened to uncover a vast library of knowledge through her clients sessions spanning over 35 year and has written 17 books sharing her findings through amazing mind bending concepts and perception shifting opportunities of whom and what we think we are. I highly recommend her books where she writes the two way conversations over the QHHT session with clients and of what she calls the SUB-CONSCIOUS mind due to not knowing what else to call it all those years ago. I have asked what is the most appropriate name in a few of my sessions with clients for this Somnambulistic State of trance and I have been told SOUL SELF and on one occasion thus far I was told THEE SOURCE. However I do perceive we each have many levels and it may be the HIGHER-SELF of one person and the SOUL-SELF of another depending on what level of frequency / dimension was most appropriate and could offer my client the most insightful and valuable clarity and understandings.
I call in the Higher-Self or Soul Self to answer all the questions and explain why they wanted the person to see the past life or event. It is such a joy to my heart to speak directly with my clients SOUL SELF and have any questions answered in relation to that person or other people in there life's, life events or circumstances. It is so exciting to be a part of such limitless information, energy and exchange as I know that the SOUL SELF has a much more expanded view of the person laying on my table and knows everything about them. No questions are off limit as long as they are appropriate and valuable. Then as I ask questions that are valuable to my client s SOUL-SELF, the puzzle pieces of understanding, clarity, insights start to come together. It is truly like joining the dots of what seems like disconnected events or impressions or health issues and then watching the full picture and spectrum of colours emerge with vibrant clarity, affirmation, relief , healing and expansion for my client. There is usually beautiful gem of wisdom for me too to take away from each session.
All sessions are recorded and this I have also learned is invaluable. I only listened the other day, for the first time the complete recording of my 1 st QHHT session I had only 10 months ago in Christchurch with Janine Rouse. I convinced myself I did not need to and I remembered it all. I also negated it a bit as not that eventful or interesting and this I have come to acknowledge is a habit of the egoic conscious mind...to negate the spirit somehow. It really is a arrogance and when I did my training in Sydney and listened to Dolores explain why re-listening to the recording was so important. I had to raise my hand, get the mike and share my own story of my arrogant ego self whom I let convince me I did not require to re-listen to my session. However what was WOW, was even though I did not listen to my session, a few months after I had it I had a flash back of it & in what seemed like a nano second gave me so much understanding that a huge shift happened in my energy and awareness of self. This shift within myself was huge and demonstrated just how powerful we each are. I related the pattern I was playing out in my life in relation to my intimate relationship with my fabulous hubby to the pattern from where I was taken in a past life. It all happened so fast but it changed me and my relationship or I made a new choice, it may well be the reason I'm stiil in my marriage. The theme was LOVE & CONNECTION...or in the past life lack of both. When my Soul Self was answering it explained that I came here to learn about love and what better way to learn about love that to understand the lack of it.
We humans are indeed fascinating creatures and we are indeed on a fascinating journey of rediscovery, self-acceptance, self-love and new creations.
Here is a fun picture of myself , Kaelana and Tara taken just after our QHHT training in Sydney. My resonant siStars whom all ended up together facilitating our first ever QHHT session on each other.
Magical Bliss mj