This is a very special summit platform of 36 speakers sharing there authentic self, stories, visions and gifts to offer hope, encouragement and inspiration to others at this time of humanities transitions, challenges and opportunities.
I Mary Jo put my hand up and said YES to this invitation by the lovely hosts Janine & Heather. In essence I felt the resonance and the perfection of this platform to share my authentic personal stories growing up in Ireland and how that propelled me in my journey to seek out and discover what create's true happiness, health and empowered transformation.
On this summit I share my deep passion for empowered wellness and how this came to be with the help of a very challenging and stressful upbringing. At age 14 my mother died of a heart attack in a locked up psychiatric ward being diagnosed with schizophrenia. Over the years she had been in and out of hospital which left me as more of the mother figure for my younger siblings and her as the child.
My father was 47 years when I was born and 27 years senior to my mother. He offered great insight of another generations post war years as he would recall the rationing stories of his younger years, the regular whipping that was given at school and the time's of no money to buy shoes to walk to school etc. Growing up for me as his oldest daughter, his mind seemed like a record of repeating stories about past events and people flavoured with his own opinions. Opinions that I did not care to take on board as my own so in essence I learned ( decided !) to tune out from his record on repeat ramblings of what I thought was other peoples business, certainty not mine. I decided I did not want to meet people through his biased filters of them.
Even to this day I have to be very conscious in my intentions to remember peoples names and I have little to no interest in gossip conversations. I tend to zone out very quickly when conversations go this way around me. I love speaking first hand with people and listening from the 'horses mouth' as they share there own authentic stories of personal experience.
As much as I loved my parents growing up I knew there had to be a different way than the harshness, dramas and struggles of life that was presented to me daily as the norm. I had no idea what that was only that it was not the ways of my mother or father. I knew I needed to get out into the world to discover something different.
So through knowing how I did not want to be in life gave me a deep determination and courage to seek out new experiences and to follow the impulses and illogical nature of my heart as it guided me the pathway to heal, free and transform my self from the limitings perceptions, guilt, low self esteem and lower vibrations that was normal living once upon a time.
That journey took me along the road of alcohol, drugs, partying, travelling, laughter, tears, ill health and a turning point to decide to discover and invest in the ways of greater health, empowerment & happiness with nutrition, yoga, alternative modalities, meditation, healing, more travel, massage trainings, access consciousness, entrepreneurship, energy intuitive, awakening kundalini experience, universal laws, experience of creation, mother nature, conscious creation, dec 21th 2012, new energy, transformation, ascension explorer, vibration and frequency, 5d, surrendering to divine service, rainbow bridge of light, inspired speaker, co-creator of new paradigms, acceptance of the god-source light within. .... & BREATH ! ! ! :-)
So here I am coming out and allowing myself to be seen more publicly sharing my authentic source light through my compassion for our humanity through the discovery of it for myself. I offer my insights, awareness, discoveries and wisdom with the intend to be of divine service to the highest good of all and to light the path of hope, encouragement and inspiration for whom ever resonates with my flavour of authentic relating, personal stories, a-ha's, imperfectly perfect nature and vibrant caring energy.
I would be delighted to receive your comments after you watch the youtube video below and discover if you found our conversation insightful, resonate, uplifting and any other ways that it has been of benefit or left an impression with you. Also feel free to ask me any questions and I will do my best to respond.
" change the way you look at something and the thing you look at changes "
Namaste & Thanks for BEing HERE.
Love, Light & Freedom
Mary Jo
To connect with me more or to attend one of my Transformational Wellness Retreats in beautiful Hanmer Springs or to book a Quantum Healing Hypnosis ( QHHT ) session with me check out my retreat & day spa
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