This conversation on BEING LIGHT IS JUST SO DELICIOUS ...I just had to share with all you gorgeous light PEEPS around the globe Mj . I tagged a few peeps that seemed inspired I trust you will enjoy the read.
P = Practitioner asking clients question to client when under hypnosis or theta trance state.
S.C =: Sub conscious or Soul Conscious or Source Conscious ...You Choose ..! (however I/we have found it depends upon vibration of questions been asked and value / appropriateness for client's life path, healing & harmonious well-being / creativity / clarity / growth / expansion...& so on ). Every sess is unique as each person is soooo soooo very special & unique
P: She wants to request for you to renew every cell, nerve, fibre in her body back to youthfulness and to release anything that is not needed....
S.C. : Everything is renewed with light, everything is light! Anything, any darkness, any wrinkle, any disease, and pain, if you just say light and picture light and bring light and breathe light, everything becomes light.
P: What about the people that are around us that don’t have a lot of light, how can we help them?
S.C: When you share your light, you dissolve their darkness.
P: Do we have to do it consciously?
Any negative situation, just imagine that light is coming out from your breath, light is coming out of your body, even if you point your finger, light is coming out of that finger... When you speak your words, think of it as light... and it will just dissolve everything... when you’re in traffic, when you hear someone fighting- shower light, blast them with light, fire them with light, embrace them with light, hold them in your heart with light, that’s the most powerful- when it comes from the heart. The light that comes out from your heart changes everything because the heart is the power. That is the source of light. So whenever you’re afraid , hold your heart. When you’re worried, when you’re fearful, hold your heart. And see light... just see light. And all will be alright. Even in any occasion that you think is clumsy or crazy or it doesn’t make any sense, beam everything with light. And you’ll make this world a better place. See everything enveloped in light- even the meanest, ugliest, or crazy person that you see- even the beggars, even the people you don’t agree with, either in faith or politics, that’s nothing... we’re all light, even the person that you think doesn’t have goodness in him- has a sparkle of light, because he has a heart... so connect light from your heart to his heart. Forgive, connect from the heart. And release it from the heart. And dance it off!
This world is going to be a world of light, if everyone would start to feel their light, they have to feel it in the heart, not just think it, so you’ll have more power. Thinking is so superficial... but if you want to go deep within, do it from the heart.
P: What is the best way for us to be living from the heart? Instead of the mind?
S.C. Put your consciousness in your heart. Touch your heart. Put your hand in your heart, feel the beat, feel the rhythm and feel it pulsating in every cell, nerve of your being... and once you become consumed, enveloped, drenched with the light, you will know what to do. To ask how means you‘re not connected but if you are, you’re just moving, doing and being...
P: So the easiest way for us to connect is through feeling our heartbeats?
S.C: Yes, because there’s a purpose for that beat- it’s the same resonance, the same vibration of the breath of each one, the cycle of the Earth, the flow of Earth, the flow of water, the work of nature, it’s on the same beat, but when its contaminated by fear, that’s not the true nature of light. The heart- it is all in the heart. It’s not just a physical heart, it’s a sanctuary of the soul, of the beingness of man, of the connection to God, connection to everyone... the heart is so special, so just feel your heart. Always touch your heart! We make time to touch our face, put on lipstick, touch other things... cellphones, laptops, when did you feel your heart? And even say ‘thank you’? And say ‘I love you’ or even breath peace for the world. That is what a lot of humans forget: the heart is the love of God. When you see a person in pain, and you cannot touch him, you cannot hug him, touch your heart and let it radiate to that person, to that thing... to whatever; it is special, it is powerful, it is transforming.
Light is everything, even the smallest particle, even what you call bacteria, if you see it as light, you will never be hurt by that bacteria, anything that you take in, is all light.
P: It doesn’t matter what food we eat?
Just bless it with light, and the light will just dissolve whatever is not needed in the body... so it’s so important to have that consciousness of light. Man just makes so many norms and crazy ideas of what to eat: ‘this one’s not good for you’ or ‘this is one good for you’... if you’re comfortable with that, bless it with light. Because if it’s too much or in excess or not good for you, you wouldn’t take it- because it will not agree with the light. If you believe in the power of your medicines, and your faith is in that medicine, then put light! so that it will heal you, it will perfect your body- because it’s just thought of light, these are just forms made by man... everything is light. When a person is sick, touch your heart, and let light flow through your hands and just see light because light is a presence, light is a being, light is powerful, much more than what you can imagine and I am that Light, God is that light because God is all light. Man makes so many crazy ideas.... and its so funny sometimes to just listen...
For more info on QHHT or to connect with practitioners around the globewwww.dolorescannon.com
I really will have to start writing some of my own session's. Since taking my level 2 training july last in the U.S. and especially since Dolores Cannons transition oct 14th 2014. I can feel her and her teams energy with me every session now. The veils are truly more and more transparent via this work and each session is a gift that gifts to both practitioner and client. Yesterday I did a session for a wonderful guy and so many times I had goose/god bumps all over as his higher self spoke.
MJ's QHHT site www.radiantessence.co.nz
Book Your Own QHHT Session Text or Call Mj : +64 212802447