For in our collective awakening and re-remembering, we realise with a simple revelation that it actually never made sense looking for love external. For how could I love another if I do not have LOVE for self. So much of the love on our planet has thus been a conditional love. I will love you if you act a certain way; don't say things to make me feel uncomfortable; if you look after me when I'm older, give me money when I ask,; buy me beautiful things....and so on.
Love had condition's and we(humanity) have been living desperate lives to grasp on to this love even in its most diluted and misguided forms like abuse, obligations, external responsibilities, manipulation. Within all of us has been a spark of that love from SOURCE CREATOR or GOD and that spark has been looking to connect with others sparks that were pure of heart. But with so much conditioning in the past in a harsh dense reality one learnt to play the game of intellectual power play to survive, to bolster the ego, to feel safe and valuable.
Now as we are and have raised out vibrations, allowing more of a Purity of LOVE light into our bodies, we are in the RE-Emergence of SELF-LOVE and through this coming home to LOVE within. One discovers so naturally that when one knows, feels, accepts and is the experience of LOVE within oneself, one can only see ALL as love. All is forgiving in this purity and neutrality of this potent creational field of LOVE.
This LOVE is the unified field; god without form and yet permeates all form that so many religions point too and then limited it to man's perception by trying to give it definition to contain that which is non-containable and truly non definable. For to put words to it would limit the limitless. However words can capture facets or expressions of this LOVE. The Poet Rumi is a beautiful example of this.
This RE-Emergence within of this PURITY OF LOVE is in essence pushing up and out all that is not of this LOVE/LIGHT. All that has been held in our cells, energetic fields and collective memory banks as thought form repeating again and again is to be released from the holding patterns of duality.
I think this quote from Abraham-HIcks say it well
"we are in the best of times, the worst of time, but the most of times"
Indeed we are. Within ourselves and without in our world we are confronted with the extremes of what may be called the dark or disconnected expressions of LOVE and the Light or more connected expression of LOVE. For Love is in all expressions. Many are more lost or choosing to play more in the perception and illusion of separation looking like fear, lack, greed, power struggles.
Those of us which are here to embody more LOVE / LIGHT are just by our very BEingness supporting the planet and humanity to come home into a more natural balance, harmony, peace, grace. From this place of being centred in SOUL-SELF births the excitement and directive into new reality creations. That is why it is truly a inner game of cultivating our own energy, releasing with forgiveness the past and thus opening up our energy field and bodies to be conduits of even more LOVE / LIGHT.
We do this by literally becoming these qualities through out every cell and fibre of BEing. We do this by becoming the directors of our thoughts and hence emotional bodies to align with one's own SOUL-ESSNCE or SOUL-SIGNATURE, thus allowing your own radiant essence to shine brightly and vibrantly through your eyes, through out every pore, every foot step, every smile and every thought and inspired action.
IN the SPIRIT of Celebrating LOVE for VALENTINES.
From Louise Hay for Self Love on Valentine's Day…
Here are 10 affirmations to help you love yourself and bring more love into your life.
~ I choose to see clearly with eyes of love. I love what I see.
Love happens!
~ I release the desperate need for love, and instead, allow it to find me in the perfect time.
~ Love is around every corner, and joy fills my entire world.
~ Today, I remember that Life loves me and will reward me.
Life is very simple. What I give out comes back to me. Today I chose to give love.
~ I rejoice in the love I encounter every day.
~ I am surrounded by love. All is well.
~ I am comfortable looking in the mirror and saying, “I love you. I really love you.”
~ I draw love and acceptance into my life, and I accept it now.
~ Love is all there is!
Happy Valentine’s Day to all...