I thank my 1st session of QHHT for gifting me the insight and revelation that had me shift my energy in a big way specifically in relation to my intimate relationship with my husband. I literally went from months and months of feeling a disconnection between us and had convinced myself we were simply going separate ways with different interests. I was ready.....or was I. We loved each other without a doubt but the chemistry just was not there...or so I experienced.
The shift actually happened a few months after having my 1st ever QHHT session and I must admit I kinda thought the session was so so. So much so I did not even bother listening to the recording until months later. I guess I had expectations and it seem a bit ordinary with some past life regression in what seemed a relatively ordinary life of struggle and hardship. I think I was hoping for something more off planet, starseed, atlantis...aka magically. Instead I was re-experiencing myself as a women in what felt like a marriage of convenience and cultural norm than of love. I felt a distance with my husband in that life time, a child was born but was taken away after a time for many years. I was broken hearted. As the regression went on it was obvious this lifetime was a loveless experience. I as this women felt disillusioned, it was like I just gave up on life and love and eventually living. I later learned when my facilitator connecting with my higher mind self , asked what was the purpose of that lifetime. Which I (higher-self) replied "to understand the lack of love". So it would appear I have been a student of understanding the 'lack of love' so I can really understand truth of 'LOVE' in this transitional lifetime.
...So moving forward with my story to a few months after my session. I am having challenges in my relationship and feel at my wits end. I am really thinking the answer must be to go our different ways, we are just not connecting sexually or intimately. As I was having my shower I get a inspiration to have a intuitive coaching call with a friend. As we spoke through things, she tuned into my energy. Something clicked and I don't even think it was something she said but it clicked. In a moment my awareness recalled my QHHT, that life time and how disconnected I felt from my husband whose name was Erick (which later on we discovered through out the session that Erick in that lifetime was Steve my present husband in this lifetime). I realised that to my present husband Steve I repeatedly was saying I don't feel connected, I just don't feel a connection between us. All of a sudden both life times were overlapping , I was seeing where I was recreating in my present experience this disconnection between us by expecting it, projecting it, fearful that we were not connected, looking for it basically...etc etc I had a question in my mind for maybe 2 years. As I have been coming to understand, accept and embody being a conscious creator of my life these latter years more and more. I wondered if chemistry between 2 people was either destined or could be consciously created. Well I got my answer because after this huge awareness and shift of energy, I reclaimed my power to choose to create and allow the connection again. Instantly I felt the chemistry attraction for my husband which literally had been missing for months and months.
It was incredible and another one of my deep learning lessons on my path of awakening and reclaiming myself as a conscious creator in every area of my life. It reaffirmed this in a much deeper and profound way. Hence the knowiness that we are each truly a universe in person creating our own reality through our thoughts, emotions, expectations and projections. ........Fricken AMAZING ....! The tricky thing is we have forgotten our past life's and the bigger sense of whom we really are. Now those aspects of self are looking to be re-integrated back into WHOLE SELF.
Those people that are closest to our hearts are usually a huge mirror for us. My ego was trying to protect me from the pain I felt in that life time. So I was pushing Steve away unconsciously so I could not get hurt. I finally realised the real worth and value of my 1st QHHT session.
A few weeks later I could literally not hold myself back from attending the Qhht training with Dolores Cannon in Sydney. It was there my arrogance was further highlighted when she discussed the importance of getting our clients to actually listen to the recording of there sessions as this allows a deeper integration of the information and healing. I raised my hand, took the mic and confessed my arrogance that I was one of those people whom did not take the advice of my facilitator in regard to this and that it would be the first thing I did on my return home. When I did get return homw and take the time to listen to my recording of my 1st QHHT session it was fascinating. I thought I had remembered it all....No chance. There was a few moments of tears of recognition and smiles of affirmation.
Even writing this now I am feeling like a re-listen is in order. I have to date only had 2 QHHT session on myself. There is no doubt that just one session is deeply profound and may take months to fully be realised in its full potential of gifts, healing, clarity, wisdom and in answering things of immense value that go far beyond what we even thought we came to the session for. Right in this moment I am planning on taking a trip to the U.S next month to take my Level 2 training with Dolores.
Lets raise our glasses of good cheer to allowing in the LOVE & beaming our radiant essences out into the world of our conscious co-creating with ease, grace and joy.
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