The frequency of pure love I point towards, starts with SELF LOVE....yes loving up all out shadow parts, all that we have judged as not good enough, shameful, guilty, unworthy, fearing of our inner light aka power (perhaps because of misuse in atlantis, or this life, or past life) ..! When we left nature, we closed our higher heart and disconnected from our divine inheritance / connection / remembering which has been called the 'fall from grace' and hence we created the world we live in lost in duality, separation, judgement, fear, karmic patterns for 1000's & 1000's of years. As we awaken to the PURITY OF LOVE that we are within, we begin to see through the eyes of the heart , the eyes of divine love, the eyes of source and remember the truth that we are all one. When we judge another, we judge ourselves...etc.! We are a collective humanity and one world.
The earth is our home not a place to take for granted and rape her of her resources due to our (humanities) own insecurity and need for material wealth due to the lack of true spiritual confidence / connection within, due to feeling cut off from it for so long. Yes it is people power time and we are taking back our power and our worthiness to know we matter, each one is more powerful and magnificent that we have been lead to believe or our parents or theres. We can blame religion, parents, culture or political systems. Or we can go within and remember as Jesus stated "the answers lay within" "everything I can do, you can do and more" or Gandhi "be the change you want to see in the world" BE THE VIBRATIONAL ENERGY OF PEACE< HARMONY< COMPASSION<LOVE<FORGIVENESS. Be the embodiment , the energy vibing of these qualities of higher consciousness.
This is a empowered people revolution and we are taking back the reins and joining together to say NO to the nonsense, no to the fear, no to the manipulations for money and greed, no to big corporations, churches, goverrments messing with our well-being physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritual. As we take our own empowerment and worthiness back collectively speaking, we can not be steered like a herd of sheep through fears and insecurity creating wars and starving children. We move in a conscious direction of preference and is worthy of our energy, focus, powerful mental thought, creativity, solutions and support with confidence and joy. NO more fighting war, cancer, our bodies..etc
Yeah for people like Russell busting the illusion of celebs being a pathway for happiness and fulfilment and discover the deeper truths of life. His mix of witty comedy and tuned in, tapped in intelligence is a vibrant and lighthearted mix with powerful messages that invite awareness, self-reflection, clarity of identity and purpose within ones own self and the world at large and beyond. He speaks out about so many elephants in the room of our collective existence and daily experience which is much required.
As quoted by Abraham-Hicks "we live in the best of times, the worst of time but the most of times" A big buffet table of choice is in each of our faces, asking us how are we choosing to live our day and where are we choosing to put our energy.....because it really is our choice and that we have influence over. We are each playing a vital part ..(more than we can imagine or possible accept) in how our world is unfolding day by day.
When I was a child and I was utterly confused and upset by what was going on around me, a inner knowing would remind me that one day when I grew up I would understand and that all my life experiences would help me gather greater wisdom, empathy and be better able to connect to more people.
A few years ago I was reminded of this awareness / it resurfaced in my memory after many years of being forgotten ....& the rest has been a crazy ass ride of re-remembering much, healing much, releasing much and reconnecting through my own inner experiences to soul truths, divine truths of each of our divine heritage to be conscious creators of our own realities. ..."walk in the world but not of it" ...that's the funny thing I never felt a great connection to jesus via religion and then through my own inner awakening process all of a sudden I started to understand his message, the CHRISTOS ENERGY and what he was doing and attempting to translate to the people while planting the seeds for us all 2000yrs +. In my awareness we are definitely the ones we have been waiting for and if there is a second coming, you are looking at it every morning in the mirror.
NAMASTE (translation - the light of the divine in me acknowledges and honours the light of the divine in you, we are one and the same teacher and student) & so it is .