Ultimately this time is about reclaiming your own highest values and aligning to your soul self and soul purpose at this important cross roads in humanities history. You matter more that you may know or have been willing to accept. Much of what you may consider your greatest problems in health, relationships, abundance...etc are actually pointing you home to your inner journey of awakening and acceptance of your higher self (soul self) for guidance and support at this time of much uncertainty. They are prompting you to unplug from the lower emotions and survival reaction of the egoic self and allow the expanded higher self to be your guiding inner light, wisdom and divine security.
It is said and with much truth that in times of our greatest crisis, can also come our greatest evolution, growth and expansion of consciousness. That is exactly what is taking place now on planet earth. We are awakening to the re-membering of whom and what we truly are as soul being, that has incarnated into the human body. Each person has choosen to be here with a valuable sense of purpose and specific intentions to experience and contribute this lifetime. Just one Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session can shed light on exactly what that is for you personally and how that relates to the bigger picture of what is unfolding on planet earth.
It may seem counter to what you may think, however your own personal crisis and the bigger world external crisis is pointing us to expand our minds and be open to new ways of looking at life and our place within it. This is very very good and much required at this time of humanities collective awakening. QHHT is a helping hand that is available to support those ready to realign with soul truths, purpose and personal empowerment; to live a healed, whole and purposeful life experience; to reclaim ones power to creates life experiences that is fulfilling and in harmony with oneself, the earth and all beings.
A QHHT session assist the egoic self personality to relax and realign with the soul self or higher self. The expanded self or higher self is not limited by the human perceptions of limitation and pre-conditioned and outdated belief systems.
This is why I feel it to be one of my greatest honours to facilitate these session, knowing that anything is truly possible for my client in regard to human healing on the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional levels. One of my great joys is to support the process of joining the dots of awareness, understanding, relief, a-ha moments and clarity that takes place for my clients due to what is revealed over a session experientially and cognitively as my client listen's back to the recording in the days and weeks after a session. It is such a great delight to support my client get back in touch with the greater knowing, clarity, love and acceptance of self.
A truly beautiful process to be apart of I feel. I have found that each session is unique just as each person is unique with unique issues and questions to be answered by the session. Thankfully it will be your own higher self soul wisdom that will be leading it. It has all your answers there waiting for you to rediscover within yourself. Each session is held in a loving neutral energy of divine love and light.
It can seem really scary to open to something so different to what you are use to and having some apprehension is normal for many of my clients coming to have a session. However they soon realise there is nothing scary about it and they are glad they followed there hearts and took the leap of faith to have a session.
I trust you to trust yourself. Every session is a real honour for me to facilitate with each person.
In joyful service to a empowered, healed and harmonious humanity.
Mary jo
+64 21 2802447