A story from a clients Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session this week. Ever wondered what is the core energy and belief pattern that creates and maintains cancer cells and / or tumours in the body and prevents the full healing and release ( letting go ) ?

Steve my hubby has been making the daily fresh organic juices and evening veg broth and / or some simply plant based meals to support the breaking of the juice fast.
The lady and her friend stayed with us a few weeks ago for 2 weeks of juicing. Steve is really the one running the self lead detox packages as I step back more from the daily do's and services of VLR. He has been doing an amazing job and seems to be loving the opportunity.
The reason the lady choose to be open to book a QHHT session was the potential to access additional help, support and insights to help heal a cancer tumour she was dealing with for up on 4 years. Even though she had made lots of progress and tried lots of things, she was aware that over the latter months the healing was not progressing and seemed like it stalled and she could not understand exactly why.
It was a big step for her to make the choice to book the session with me even though she knows my character and background pretty well due to her booking her first ever 3 day detox fasting retreat lead by myself in 2019'.
My client did her due diligence and took the time to look through all my webpages to learn more about what is QHHT. She also researched Dolores Cannon whom developed the method over 40 years and whom I personally trained with in 2013' and 2014' In short, the decision was not made lightly.
I had felt very guided to be very straight up with her that if the cancer was lingering then there was something that she was most lightly been in denial and /or resistance about or avoiding to make changes on. She was aware that this was true but could not see how to make the changes or create the outcome she thought she would prefer when looking through the lens of her ego based on past memories.
Going off my experiences over the last decade with working with a few clients looking to heal their cancer health issues with the help of connecting to a deeper part of themselves for greater understanding and support to release the unhelpful patterns and beliefs. I have come to recognise that usually a difficult change needs to be made that the person is avoiding making and believing is too hard basket. However until they commit to making it, the cancer will hang around as a indication and messenger of what has not been received, heeded and actioned as the way forward. Basically the cancer becomes the representative and reflection of the unwillingness of the person to make the perceived uncomfortable changes for fear of losing out on what the ego has decided is too important and valuable to let go of.
( Just to clarify not all cancers are to be healed as some are intentional soul contracts as a exit strategy out of the body. Remember the SOUL is eternal and has no fear of death as it knows there is no such thing as death really, it is only a release of the spiritual energy from the biology. Another possibilities is SOUL agreements with those left behind so they can get to experience the death and grieve of losing a loved one in order for this to activate a potential spiritual awakening leading to the seeking of new answers or something along those lines. )
Back to the session. The QHHT session I facilitated with my client visited a past and future life time that related to the present lifetime of my client. Then later into the session as I do with all my clients, I asked the deepest truest part of my client to respond to my questions and for the ego to completely step back as it is not needed for the session. We sometimes call this the higher self and this part has a far more expansive nature and awareness of the persons consciousness beyond this one incarnation as a human being. It also know that everything is a intention and pattern of energy and can easily perceive the core energy and the beliefs connected to it.
When I asked her deeper self while in hypnotic trance state what was the core energy and belief that created the cancer ? The answer was very clear that it was the belief " I am not enough " and thus this is what lead to her living a life of obligations of trying to be a good person and please everyone else's expectations of her to receive their acceptance, validation, approval and love. In doing this she was refusing to listen and trust her inner being and receive the guidance to make the changes been asked of her from her soul desires.
One of the main changes she was resisting to make was to release herself fully from what had become a very painful, unsafe and toxic relationship for many years and move forward into a new life experience. In order to do this, it would require her to listen and trust her inner guidance and that she would be taken care of and have her needs met along the way.
I share this message as this belief " I AM NOT ENOUGH " is actually at the root of many other beliefs that get overlaid on top of it over ones life. Most humans actually share this belief until they become aware of it and change it with conscious intentions and practice. This belief is often a subconscious belief and may not be recognised on the conscious mind every day level. Yet it is what is creating much inner conflicts of stress causing a push and pull ( YES & NO ) within the person which brings about much dis-ease which eventually leads to disease.
The antidote to this belief is simply the belief and intentions " I AM ENOUGH " .
Please recognise the antidote is not I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH , it is simply I AM ENOUGH, not more or less.
It is profound to consider that this core belief is what is at the foundations of much unrest and unhappiness in the human psyche, human body and world at large. When this belief is running a person, they don't trust and listen to themselves. They trust others more than themselves. and thus can become needy of other people and circumstances to have their needs met. It can also lead to what is called "imposter syndrome" which is a feeling of not truly belonging and thus feeling unsafe. When a human does not feel safe, they cannot fully relax enough to be in ones authentic self expressions. They can lose themselves in everyone else and wonder why they feel lost, anxious, controlling and fearful.
This does not need to be the case of course. The truth is that ones beliefs is powerful and thus why Jesus was quoted as sharing his wisdom " as you believe, it is given onto you ". He meant this literally " beliefs create reality " and that means when we change our beliefs we can change our experiences of our reality. That is how powerful each human soul really is when one is willing to accept this.
Accepting this would mean to release blame, shame and the harsh inner critic towards self and others and replace these old habits of habitual thinking and speaking with radical self responsibility to choose a new thought, a new belief and a new behaviour.
Another way of stating this is to embrace the journey to raise your vibrational frequency and expand your thinking from a more limited consciousness perceptional lens.
I hope that set off some helpful light bulb moments of A-Ha for you and you can commit to embracing the new thought and beliefs daily that is healing, harmonising and uplifting for your body, mind and soul energies.
How about starting NOW by affirming I AM ENOUGH !
Now you know the power of following your heart and inner guidance. It is true that in a world that has done so much to convince you of your lack of innate value as your authentic self. It does take incredible courage to go against the grain of limited generational, religious, cultural and societal thinking and old beliefs to choose instead to live your unique aligned truths to live without regrets and say a full F__K YESSSSS to each and every day and face the fears.
" Face the fears and do it anyways " !!! . . . your birth right to abundant lifeforce energies, renewed vitality and living each day with a sense of passion, purpose, enthusiasm, curiosity, fulfilment and empowerment live there. The more the human embraces ones fears and does it anyways, the more the fears dissolve and more authentic soulfulness is realised which allows a quite confidence and knowiness that all is well no matter how it looks on the outside.
You may notice how this now shines much light on why often times it is the people whom become diagnosed with cancer and decide to fully accept and embrace the opportunity to NOT delay any more in facing their fears of death and change by making the radical life changes they had previously been denying themselves that actually heal from cancer.
These people usually decide to not hold back anymore with fear of change and start doing more and more of the things they really want to, instead of the things that they thought they have too in order to be acceptable, likeable, agreeable and receive love and safety from others. These people start to get to know on a deeper level themselves and accept and love whom they truly are and thus become their own validation, safety and peace.
Infinite Joyful Vibrant Blessings of clarity, ease and peace,
Mary Jo
To book a QHHT session with me in person or on line TEXT me on +64212802447.
Email : [email protected] or. [email protected]
I offer sessions on Sundays and Mondays currently NOV / DEC / JAN 2023 / 2024.
More info on booking a session HERE