A QHHT session will allow you the experience of better understanding yourself and your pivotal life events and relationships. A QHHT session allows you to answer the questions you have always wondered about. A QHHT session assists you to find the origins of illness, dis-ease, fears. It gives insights to things you innately love, talents you have and passions that come easily to you.
We begin with your practitioner getting to know you and your pivotal events that have shaped you. We look at your list of questions you want answered; both physical/health and life/personal questions. The steps of the QHHT process are explained. You will be taken back to 1-3 past lives or other clarifying experiences that your subconscious picks for you to see that best explain the issues you are experiencing.
You begin by getting acclimated to who you are and your surroundings. We move to several important days in that life and then to the last day of this life. The death scene is usually important to see but you don't have to worry. You can be taken to an 'observer' viewpoint to relieve any physical or emotional feelings. We take you to the spirit side to get a great perspective on the life as a whole to learn what lessons you learned and its purpose.
Then something truly amazing happens! We bring forth your Subconscious. Some may call this your High Self, Soul-Self or collective conscious. It is the part of You that has been with you since the very beginning! As this amazing energy comes through it shares the purpose of showing you the lives it picked and then answers every question and does a body scan to heal and repair the body. Your Subconscious always has only your greater good in mind and the love, kindness and humor it shares is touching beyond words. It so easily can explain the root causes of problems and struggles and is so happy to finally 'have the floor' to speak to you!
A QHHT session is a transformative and powerful experience. It will open your mind, heart and imagination. It will allow you to have the greatest clarity you perhaps have had in this life and allow you to make changes to support your souls growth.
The recording of your session will be sent to you afterwards and it is important that you listen to this many times to further integrate the information and healing transformational energy from your higher level self to you. Of course it is all you and your QHHT session will support the bridging of this gap that once felt very real and separate.
Your free will is always honoured by your higher self and after a session with the expanded understandings, awareness and experience of whom you really are, you can choose to consciously ask and allow your higher-self to continue to guide and support you in your days ahead. "Ask & It is given" is a very real but misunderstood truth represented in the bible. A session with QHHT will support your reconnection to your worthiness and magnificence as a healed and glorious co-creator with the universe firmly on your side.....because you have got back onto your own side of inner-empowerment releasing the old struggles, fears and limited perceptions of self.