Past Life regression can benefit you in many ways.
Traditional examples of situations where past life regressions can help:
Treating phobias which seem to be unconnected to an experience in the current life.
Understanding the dynamics of relationship (intimate and non-intimate)
Understanding patterns which inexplicably occur in your life (emotional patterns, physical ailments, etc)
Treatment of trauma or other issues which you have faced in this life.
Troubling behaviour and attitude patterns that have persisted over time, despite repeated attempts to change.
Past life therapy can also be exciting and rewarding. They focus on positive experiences. These areas include:
Accessing strengths and accomplishments from prior lifetimes that can be brought forward to increase confidence and effectiveness in the present.
Clarifying direction and life purpose by viewing one’s blueprint for this lifetime.
Treating phobias which seem to be unconnected to an experience in the current life.
Understanding the dynamics of relationship (intimate and non-intimate)
Understanding patterns which inexplicably occur in your life (emotional patterns, physical ailments, etc)
Treatment of trauma or other issues which you have faced in this life.
Troubling behaviour and attitude patterns that have persisted over time, despite repeated attempts to change.
Past life therapy can also be exciting and rewarding. They focus on positive experiences. These areas include:
Accessing strengths and accomplishments from prior lifetimes that can be brought forward to increase confidence and effectiveness in the present.
Clarifying direction and life purpose by viewing one’s blueprint for this lifetime.
Skeptical & Scared About Past life Regression ?
If you were like me brought up in a religion dogma, you may have been lead to believe that we only live one life and then we go to a heavenly place or a hell place decided by a judgemental God after we die. Thankfully this is not the case as we are far grander, multifaceted and indeed made in the image of godliness that these teachings would lead us to believe. Many religious teachings are seeded in truth, however over the 100's & 1000's of years and many translations later have lead to many mistruths or mis-representation of the original seed truth and teachings. Many of the mistruths is where God has been represented in the image of man or the egoic lower natured self.
Why is Past Life Regression invaluable for humanities healing, harmony and conscious awakening / growth ?
In essence past life regression helps us expand our mind and consciousness of whom we have thought ourselves to be, into the realisation and acceptance that we are each a multidimensional being of light and love that has lived many existences as a soul that is ultimately connected and part of source or god. It also provides a opportunity where we can find the answers to challenges in this life time on earth that do not make logical, rational of practical sense. The answer can often be found in the over lay of a residual energy, life theme or karma patterns surfacing from a past life to be healed, acknowledged, understood and forgiven. However in truth all life's happen simultaneously outside of time. In truth as souls we are timeless and formless living out our human experience in the illusion of linear time and material physical matter. This is what makes life on earth so narrowly focused and engaging of all the senses and emotions which to the soul level is wondrous and precious for deep and profound learning, growth and expansion.
What is so special about this life time we are living NOW ? The bigger picture.
We are living in amazing times when we (humanity) NOW have the opportunity to reconnect and re-awaken to our divine inheritance while in the human body. Many people report after their (NDE) Near death experiences that after death, all they felt was the purity of love, peace, harmony and light.
Now in this lifetime on earth, we (humanity) have the opportunity to re-establish our awareness of our connection to our inner-spiritual nature and higher guidance. This will lead us on our journey to an embodied experience of enlightened living mastery with HIGHER SELF~SOULFUL awareness. This presents its challenges and we are all having to adapt at a very fast pace by releasing outdated beliefs, habits and limited ideas about ourselves and the world. Forgive the past, this life and all other life's, heal the wounds. When we put this into conscious practice this opens up space to allow our divine nature to shine through us, bringing with it higher expressions and vibrations of LOVE, LIGHT & HARMONY that goes way beyond intellectual concepts but actual visceral experiences.
QHHT is a powerful tool to assist humanities awakening and to quantum heal, living a life of grand and beautiful purpose.
The good news is this all can be done really fast and with greater ease than has been available previous to now. This is due to the energy shifting that has been occurring on the planet which has speeded up over the latter years and has been raising the vibrational frequencies of the planet and every one on it.
QHHT is becoming known as the therapy of the future, it is a stepping stone to support your awakening, healing and self acceptance of your higher level awareness, self-healing ability and inner guidance that you can fully trust in the days and years ahead.
Why is Past Life Regression invaluable for humanities healing, harmony and conscious awakening / growth ?
In essence past life regression helps us expand our mind and consciousness of whom we have thought ourselves to be, into the realisation and acceptance that we are each a multidimensional being of light and love that has lived many existences as a soul that is ultimately connected and part of source or god. It also provides a opportunity where we can find the answers to challenges in this life time on earth that do not make logical, rational of practical sense. The answer can often be found in the over lay of a residual energy, life theme or karma patterns surfacing from a past life to be healed, acknowledged, understood and forgiven. However in truth all life's happen simultaneously outside of time. In truth as souls we are timeless and formless living out our human experience in the illusion of linear time and material physical matter. This is what makes life on earth so narrowly focused and engaging of all the senses and emotions which to the soul level is wondrous and precious for deep and profound learning, growth and expansion.
What is so special about this life time we are living NOW ? The bigger picture.
We are living in amazing times when we (humanity) NOW have the opportunity to reconnect and re-awaken to our divine inheritance while in the human body. Many people report after their (NDE) Near death experiences that after death, all they felt was the purity of love, peace, harmony and light.
Now in this lifetime on earth, we (humanity) have the opportunity to re-establish our awareness of our connection to our inner-spiritual nature and higher guidance. This will lead us on our journey to an embodied experience of enlightened living mastery with HIGHER SELF~SOULFUL awareness. This presents its challenges and we are all having to adapt at a very fast pace by releasing outdated beliefs, habits and limited ideas about ourselves and the world. Forgive the past, this life and all other life's, heal the wounds. When we put this into conscious practice this opens up space to allow our divine nature to shine through us, bringing with it higher expressions and vibrations of LOVE, LIGHT & HARMONY that goes way beyond intellectual concepts but actual visceral experiences.
QHHT is a powerful tool to assist humanities awakening and to quantum heal, living a life of grand and beautiful purpose.
The good news is this all can be done really fast and with greater ease than has been available previous to now. This is due to the energy shifting that has been occurring on the planet which has speeded up over the latter years and has been raising the vibrational frequencies of the planet and every one on it.
QHHT is becoming known as the therapy of the future, it is a stepping stone to support your awakening, healing and self acceptance of your higher level awareness, self-healing ability and inner guidance that you can fully trust in the days and years ahead.
In my understanding and wisdom, nothing can be more valuable or self-empowering at this time on earth to help humanity navigate the coming years of new creation at the pivotal beginning of this new era, than a strong connection and communication with ones own inner guidance compose and higher expanded self awareness.
To book a session text Mary Jo +64 21 2802447 via phone, whats app and telegram or EMAIL: [email protected] |